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Our Plans: Semi-dedicated Plus $30.00 /mo Semi-dedicated Pro $50.00 /mo
Disk Space
Monthly Traffic
Hosted Domain
CPU Core(s) 1 2
MySQL queries 90000/hr 130000/hr
Dedicated IP Address 1 1
  • Basic Features
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    Free Website Themes
    Free App Installer
    Website Builder
    VPN Traffic 50GB 50GB
    Shared SSL IPs
    Browsable Backups
    Dropbox / Google Drive Backups
    Assisted Website Migration
    NVMe Data Caching
    ZFS Storage
    Varnish Memory 64MB 64MB
    Memcached Memory 64MB 64MB
    Redis Memory 64MB 64MB
    Website Accelerators
    InnoDB Storage Engine
  • Domains and Subdomains
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    Parked Domains
    Full DNS Management
    Custom MX and A records
    CNAME Records
    NS Records
    SRV Records
    AAAA Records
    TXT Records
    Full WHOIS Management
    Registrar Lock
    EPP Transfer Protection
    Whois Privacy Protection
    Feature-rich Domain Manager
    Domain Backorders
  • E-Mail Features
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    Email Accounts
    SMTP Server
    Webmail - RoundCube
    E-mail Forwarding
    Auto-responder E-Mails
    Catch-all e-mails
    Mailing Lists
    Mailing List Members
    SPAM Filters
    DomainKeys Identified Mail
    SPF Protection
    Anti-Virus Protection
    Advanced E-mail Manager
  • Security
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    ModSecurity Firewall
    Let's Encrypt certificates
    Self signed SSL certificates
    IP Blocking
    Hot-linking Protection
    Password Protected Directories
  • Customer Support
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    24/7 Customer Support
    Extensive Online Documentation
    Integrated Ticketing System
    1-hour Ticket / E-mail Response
  • Scripting, DB & Development
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    PHP4, PHP5, PHP7 and PHP8 Support
    MySQL v.5 Databases
    MySQL Database Storage
    Perl Scripting
    PgSQL Databases 5
    PostgreSQL Database Storage 160MB
    Over 3400 Perl modules
    ImageMagick & GD Library
    Zend Optimizer
    Microsoft FrontPage Extensions
    Dreamweaver Compatible
    Server Side Includes (SSI)
    Cron Jobs
  • Site Management Tools
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    User-friendly Control Panel
    Web-based SSH
    FTP Accounts
    FTP Manager
    File Manager
    Custom Error Pages
    .htaccess Generator
    URL Redirector
    Website Manager
    Guest Users 30 30
  • Site Statistics
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    Web / FTP Statistics
    Access Log Manager
    Error Log Viewer
    MySQL / Load Stats
  • OS, Connectivity & Backup
    Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
    24-core servers w/ 64gb RAM
    Stable Linux with Apache
    2.5 Gbits Network Connectivity
    Daily Data Backups
    UPS & diesel back-up generator
$30.00 /mo $50.00 /mo